The road to my wings
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Message(Sunday 0125) It's been quite a while since I last wrote, so it's about time that I write something. The dinner went great last time and we danced and drank until sunrise. It's always good fun to break the ice with the new students at school.
This last week we had the first part of a course in becoming an instructor in weapon-training, meaning that we'll be able to lead a shooting event on a shooting range and also outside. There's alot of theory to be learned and every day we aldo had many hours at the shooting range, where we were in charge of all the safety and believe me...there's alot of things to take care of! Anyway, in the mean time we also got converted to use the pistol used by Air Force personnel here in Denmark. It's the 9mm ZIG Neuhasen, which is a Swiss weapon and known by many to be one of the best pistols ever. It's great fun to shoot with it and I was surprized at how well I could hit the targets even with one hand.
Anyway, the course takes part at the western-most part of Denmark, about 300km from home, so it wasn't fun to be away from the family for the whole week, especially now that I have a little boy missing me. It reminded me of the hard times at Sergeant school and the good old times at Flying school and Job Training, where I only came home during the weekends. As I said, last week was the first part of the course, so tomorrow evening we leave for the second and final part. That's it for now. I'll try to write abit more often...

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Message(Wednesday 0750) As you probably know we have the general election coming up on the 13th November. It's quite exciting to have learned so much about politics and state knowledge and now getting the chance to see how it all works out in reality. Yesterday I cast my vote as I won't have to opportunity to vote on the 13th, since I'll be away on a course in Jutland. Anyway, tomorrow we have a debate by 4 politicians here at school and the Defence Minister will be here among others. It's going to be nice to ask them some questions and see what the different parties have to say about them.
After the debate we have FLOS Cross which is a terrain-run around the school where you have the choice between 5 and 8km. It's a school tradition where the new guys get a taste of the sports activities at school. After that we have Dining In where they are welcomed by a dinner together, where we'll also entertain eachother and have a few beers in the mess together after the dinner.
I was the one in charge of the dinner and there are 83 participants which means that I've been quite busy planning the whole thing, but it's going to be good to get it overwith.
Anyway, I better get ready for today's first lesson, which is actually 4 lessons of Cultural understanding. Later...

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Message(Tuesday 1430) School has started again and I had a great time in Malta last week. Today is actually a special day for me, as the 23rd of October 1997 was the day when I moved to Denmark. It's exactly 10 years ago so I gave the guys in class some muffins and thanked them for accepting me...
I feel very privelaged to be where I am and it's proof of how acceptant and tolerant Danish people are. I am thankful that I was even allowed to start on the pilot training, which is one of the most desired and certainly one of the hardest to achieve educations in this country.
Anyway, the day started with an encounter with the cold Danish autumn where I had to scrape ice off the car windscreen and windows.
Otherwise it was rather quick to get off the holiday-mode and back to working-mode. Anyway, I'm busy this week as I have 2 dead-lines approaching fast. Catch you later...

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Message(Monday 1050) As you probably know we have fall holidays this week, however, believe it or not, I'm at school right now. No, it's not because I enjoy being here so much, but it's simply because I have alot of work to do and I better get it done before I leave to Malta on Wednesday.
Now I better get back to work or else what's the point of being here at school?

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Message(Wednesday 1040) The group-assignment exam is over and it went better than expected. Three of us (myself included) got a 10 and one of us got a 12 (on the new scale) which is really great. We were the first group to do the oral exam so now we can put that assignment behind us and begin concentrating on other tasks and subjects.
Next on the programme is lunch and afterwards we have 4 hours of War Theory, which is the newest subject on our schedule. Now it's time to get the pulse down to below 200.

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Message(Monday 1645) Just another manic Monday... Most of the concentration this week is once again on the group-assignment as we have the oral exam this Wednesday. I don't feel that confident about it so I still have many hours of studying ahead of me today and tomorrow.
Fortunately we have Fall holidays next week and I plan to go to Malta for the week but haven't found any affordable tickets yet, so I'll probably end up going down there alone.
Otherwise there's the "culture evening" in Copenhagen this Friday and in connection with that, the Air Force has transported an F16 to Rosenborg castle, where I'll be standing together with some colleagues of mine and try to attract people to a carreer in the Air Force. I hope the weather turns out good and not too cold...
That's it for now. Catch you later.

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Message(Monday 1200) New day, new week and a new month. Time is flying by at the moment, which is both good and bad. On one hand the end is approaching fast but on the other hand, dead-lines are flying by like crazy at the moment. We finished our group assignment and delivered it last week, so it's great that we're done with that and have 1 thing less to take care of. Now we can start concetrating more on our individual head assignment which has to be delivered in February and should be on a Bachelor level. But we're not completelt done with the group assignment yet. We still have to do the oral part where we'll be "defending" our assignment on the 11th October which is next week.
Next on the schedule is State-knowledge and tomorrow we'll be starting on a new subject: "War theory" which should be complementary with State knowledge. Back to the books. Catch you later.

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Message(Friday 0750) We had a busy week once again. The new class of Cadets will be starting soon (October 1st) and it's a tradition at the Academy that the old students welcome the new ones by having a dinner with them. It's called "Dining In" and like everything else here at the Academy, it's one of the students who gets the task of being in charge of the whole affair...and guess who pulled the short straw this time! So apart from all the school stuff that we have at the moment, I also have Dining In to take care of, so I'm pretty damn busy.
Last Tuesday we started on a new sport at school. We started on a self defence form called Krav Maga, which is an Israeli invented form of self defence. I can describe it as being very effective and extremely aggressive. It's not like other martial arts where it's mostly about having the right techniques and moves. Here it's about getting the job done...and quickly indeed! In our first lesson we got instructed by a guy from the special forces known as "the frogs" here in Denmark. They are our equivalent to the US Navy Seals. He was really good at it and that made it inspiring. However, his way of seeing it is: No pain, no game. So we had quite a few bruises the next day and I'n actually still sore some places.
That's it for now. Take care!

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Message(Friday 0745) It's the last working day and actually we're off today but I'm at school's not exactly because I love it so much that I cannot stay away but because I have alot of work to do and I work better here than I do at home where there are a million things to distract me.
Wednesday we had our first orientation run in a forest since summer holidays. It was quite a difficult one as the check-points were hard to find and the terrain was terrible to run on. Anyway I did quite a few screw ups but I also experienced something new... At one point I fell into a marsh which was deeper than it seemed. I could see the wet grass and knew that I would get wet feet but I didn't really care as I had wet feet in the first place. So I just ran through and one of my steps just sank deep; about a meter to be exact, so I just tumbled forward and crawled or almost "swam" the rest of the way across the marsh. Damn it was cold! And then, Mr. genius thought that if he stopped running he would get seriously cold so he decided to run on in order to stay warm...grrrrr!
Back to work now. Catch you later.
By the way, I've had a chat with my friend, PLA, who is in Canada right now and he told me a bit about life at NFTC. I can't wait!

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Message(Wednesday 0945) Not much new at the moment except that I'm extremely busy.
The only news is that they're trying to send us to the Netherlands for the centrifuge ride as soon as possible. However, I doubt if it will be before the new year. We'll all be going down there, no matter what we've been assigned to. It's the first time that the guys assigned to helicopters and transports will also do the centrifuge. The Air Force sees it as a good idea, so if someone from the fighter assigned guys fails the centrifuge, there'll be someone else to take over his place without too much hassle. I have started a serious training programme, mostly for the legs and abdomin. It's not because I think I'll fail, but it's always nice to have a bit of excess energy when the time comes.
Now it's back to the lessons. Catch you later!

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