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Maggie Casper

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NameDebbie Ellison
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI am sooo excited about your new release at EC that I am going to head over there and buy it and I think you also have a new cowboy book at Liquid Silver Books... I'm in the mood for Black Cat and Cowboys are always welcome! I have 8 Maggie books that I need to read but I can't resist this new one! So it will go in the pile of TBR! Oh and 3 Lena books as well! Woohoo!!!! smilie smilie smilie

Private Message added 2005-09-04

Private Message added 2005-08-26

Private Message added 2005-08-17

Private Message added 2005-08-17

NameNatalie Sickles
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI have all of your books and loved all of them. Keep writing! smilie

Private Message added 2005-07-27

NameJackie Mathews
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI have not have read any books written by you as of yet.But I am hopeing to do so soon

NameMark Watson
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageCongratulations on the new layout. Keep it up to date as a celebrity smilie

NameMr. D
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY, Maggie! I see your writing is still going great. Mine ain't worth a hoot. I want to see your books made into movies. Now get busy on those screenplays!

Mr. D smilie

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