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Namedonna "crystal" pooler oldenbroek
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI miss you and so dows Gary.

We have Micky Newberry on and You are in the room.

We would love to see you and your love again.

Here or Hilton Head or anywhere
We are here. alive and living in Tennessee.


NameAlaska Shirley
MessageJonmark and Bree - thank you from the bottom of my heart for making me feel at home in Austin. Bree, you are my hero as your hugs meant so much to me during my crying spells. smilie Well, you had a few too!! smilie I felt so bad to see you in pain and there was nothing I could do but I knew your sweet hubby would take care of you. I love you guys and hope to see you again.
PS: Jonmark, please don't forget my cd smilie

NameRoland Stubblefield
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagewell, four of our family lives in Mauritius. I'm actually in Lone Tree Colorado and I can show you where that tree is.

You two sound so good together. I'm looking forward to hearing what you do in TX in Mickey's good name. Take care. Love to Bree.


NameKacey Jones
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Jonmark,
I look forward to seeing you again at The Newbury Gathering in June. Mostly, I look forward to HEARING you sing and play again. Glad to know your new CD is done. You and Marie Rhines play so beautifully together,can't wait to hear it! By the way, did anyone ever tell you that you're a big ol' sweetie? Well, okay, you're not THAT big. ARE a sweetie.

Sincerely, smilie
Kacey Jones

NameTim Malchak
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Buddy,
Just listened to the clips and can't wait to buy my copy! You and Marie sound wonderful together. I know Mickey is smiling. I have been and remain one of your biggest fans. May God richly bless you.
Love you Brother,

NameMamie Newbury
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageCan't wait to see you and meet and hug you and your beautiful sweetheart. Mamie

Locationclick picture for more information
Messagethank you jonmark - every time i listen to your
music i think about dana - thank you

NameBilly Strange
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageDear Jm,

I am constantly amazed at your enormous talent.

It seems when I'm away from you I tend to forget just how very great an entertainer you really are.

Then when I come back to your website I am reborn once again to enjoy your most amazing talent and your humanity.

Love you and Bree as my very own.


NameDon DesChamps
Locationclick picture for more information

Great site, great songs! WHat more can I say. You've got a lot of talent. I'll have to scrape together some Loonies and Twoonies to buy some of your stuff.

Catch ya on Billy's board.

Don [img][/img]

NameEgbert Meyers
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHee pal,
this new site looks great!
I have to do some work on mine now too haha! smilie
How are you and Bree doing?
I'll get in touch soon.
Give my love to Bree.
Love ya,

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