We have cleared out all the riffraff!  All are once again invited to join in a nice guestbook experience!

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NameDr. Dennis Obermeyer
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MessageGoing to check out the pictures.

NameGrandma CC
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MessageSweetsweetsweet!!!! Thank for posting the kids in their little Easter Bunny ears! I simply cannot believe how Max has grown.....I just have to see him and Molly and, of course, Kate and Nate too...Around June 10th. I guess you'll have to reschedule your dental appointments so we can babysit. smilie
I think we'll head east right after my June treatment! That's on the 9th.
Love from Ma Millie/Grandma CC

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MessageSweet pictures, guys!

We look forward to seeing you next weekend!


NameGrandma Kemler
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MessageKate, If you check your photo album, I think there is a photo of you and your sister in the tub that looks almost like the one of Max and Molly. What darlings!! So good to see a new post as I've been looking for some new pic for awhile. Love, Mom

NameGrandma Kemler
MessageI'm waiting......

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MessageCute costumes, guys!

MessageHey, look at Molly's profile in the picture of her with Nate and Max, and then look at the pic below it of Katie's profile where she's in her wedding dress. That's so cool!

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MessageWhat a couple of cuties!

"Sissy" as a nickname is fair game for any little girl, minny moose. smilie

smilie I love this little dancing stickguy.

Namea minny moose
Messageummm...not sure why max would be saying "sissy"

if i remember correctly, that's his cousin cecelia's nickname.

maybe john and amy should change wyatts name to
smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie

NameMaria Landry
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MessageI miss you guys so much! Hi Molly and Max. I love ya'll! smilie

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