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Messagesmilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie Dear
OLANDO BLoom hi and hello on a monday
do you make lots of movies with Brad bitt
movie tory was last nighted what happen to
Brad bitt did he make movie with all that fighting
who did BRAD bitt married from Darla

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Messagei am a big fan of mr.orlando bloom! you also an actually is you are cute person to seriously also how good you are also i like what he plays real famous will turner in his new movie pirates of caribbean: at the worlds end.

Private Message added 06*06*07

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Messageso i think mr.orlando bloom is really an a exactually how good he rengentley was also like he plays will in the old movie of pirates of the caribbean black pearl to. so orlando bloom is really or very quite cute person and he is clear to. also i would really could like to see more of orlando bloom again to especially the pirates of caribbean dead man chest. i like you mr.orlando bloom to seriously.

Private Message added 12*19*06

NameOrlando Ricado
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MessageWhat do you remember about yesterday? Do you remember the problems and disappointments, or do you remember the progress and the achievements? What do you remember about last month, or last year, or ten years ago?

What's happened has happened. There is nothing you can do about it. Yet your imagination is yours to control as you wish. You can remember exactly what you choose to remember, in exactly the way you want to remember it.

When you remember mostly the good things, you build an image of yourself as an achiever and a winner. Importantly, that self image has a profound effect on your future actions, and on the results you get. Remember your past as a winner, and you'll act like a winner.

In your mind, treasure the good things in your past, and their memory will brighten your future.

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MessageOMG, OMG...i love Orlando soooooo much...and dont any1 even try and fight me 4 being his no# 1 fan cause i am defiently his no# 1 fan!!! smilie

Namekayla durda
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Messagesmilie omg i luv u soooooooooooooo much ur so hott and talented i have seen all youre movies u were fantastic in them. My favorite soo far is elizibeth town it was awsome u played that role very well. well i hope you write me soon. smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie

youre biggest fan

Namejennifer manalastas
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MessageFor the love of God... Im inlove with orli... I meant that i like sme others actors but not lyk Orli,, dang i luv him so much!!!! i luv u... Boyfrnd!!! smilie

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Messagesmilie hi! i want to be a member of orlando bloom fans club! i really love orlando.. i watch all of his film.. can i be one of the members? smilie

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